Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

What's cooking?

When I saw this play kitchen I could only say "Wow! Lucky baby." This is from Lisa and it's hard to believe that this is her first hack. It sure gives all hack newbies hope.

She says, "This is my first hack, first blog attempt and first creative project ever. It was made with the Vika Furusund."

Ikea play kitchen

DIY play kitchen

The shopping list is pretty extensive. The Ikea Furusund forms the frame of the unit. The handles, knife rack and magnetic containers are also from the yellow and blue box.

children's play kitchen

kids play kitchen

Little girls' play kitchen

Ikea play kitchen

children play kitchen

Ikea play kitchen

Ikea play kitchen

Ikea play kitchen

Don't you just love the faucets?

See details of Lisa's play kitchen on her blog.

Related hacks:

- Cooking for kids

- Play kitchen for under $200

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