Jumat, 25 April 2008

Living Room Set - TYPE B (Color Changeable)

Living Room Set - TYPE B
- Prims: 59 Total.
- Contents:
  • Suclpted Sofa - TYPE G, H and I Leather
  • Couch - TYPE B and C suede
  • Side Table - TYPE A suede
  • Low Table - TYPE B suede
  • Cube Lamp × 2
  • Pushpin Lamp
  • Ashtray
  • Magazine × 2 and Book

Suclpted Sofa - TYPE G, H and I Leather (Color Changeable)
Please refer to this entry.
Leather Sofa Set (Color Changeable)

Couch - TYPE B
- 1-seater
- Prims: 3
- Permissions: mod / trans / NO copy

Couch - TYPE C
- 1-seater
- Prims: 4
- Permissions: mod / trans / NO copy

Low Table / Side Table
- Prims: 4 each
- Permissions: trans / mod / NO copy

Cube Lamp / Pushpin Lamp
- Illumination color change
- Prims: 2 each
- Permissions: trans / NO mod / NO copy

Touch a shade to open dialog menu.
You can choose from 11 illumination colors and turn off a light.

- Prims: 2
- Permissions: trans / NO mod / NO copy

Touch for a cigarette with smoking animation and to stop smoke from Ashtray.
You smoke every 25 seconds while you are wearing.

How to Change Color
- Sofas (TYPE G, H and I)
Please refer to this entry.
Leather Sofa Set (Color Changeable)

- Couches / Tables
These are modifiable. That mean you can change color from the edit window without typing any command.

Easy Instruction for a non-builder
1. Right click the object. (furniture)
2. Choose "Edit" from a pie menu.
3. Check "Edit linked Parts" box in the edit window.
4. Click the part of an object which you want to change color. ( [shift + click] to select multiple parts)
5. Click "Color" box in "Texture" tab to open a color palette window.

Excuse my poor poor English. X(

You can lay out furnitures and colors freely.

This Product is in a temp-rezzing vendor at my store.
Now you can buy my products at Coders Cove in Second Life.
slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coders Cove/90/89/24/

Senin, 21 April 2008

Old Wood Living Room Set - ver.2.0

Old Wood Living Room Set - ver.2.0
- Contents: 2 sofas + Tall Lamp + Table + Retro TV (and a Texture for Screen) + TV Rack
- Prims: 24 (5+5+2+7+2+3)
- Permissions: trans / no copy / no mod

Old Wooden Sofa S - TYPE A
has 2-seater.

- Click Position to Sit -
1. Seat ( has 2 Poses)
2. Armrest

- How to Change Pose -
You can change pose with Page Up or Down key on your keyboard.
When someone (except the owner of the sofa) sit on, it will send a message like this " Use PageUp or Down key to change pose. ".

Old Wooden Sofa L - TYPE B
has 4 seater.

- Click Position to Sit -
1. Seat
2. Armrest (whichever side)
3. Backrest
4. Wooden bottom under a seat

Old Wood Table
has 1 Seater.

Wooden Tall Lamp
Click a shade and open dialog menu.You can choose illumination color from 8 colors and turn off a light.

Retro TV
You can use the "Retro TV" as a land media display.

- How to Set a Land Media for "Retro TV" -
1. Open "About Land" window. (World > About Land...)
2. Drag "tv screen" texture from inventory and drop into "Replace Texture:" window on Media tab.
3. Click "Retro TV" to start (stop) a media content which you choose.

Now you can buy my products at Coders Cove in Second Life.
slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coders%20Cove/90/89/24/

Kamis, 10 April 2008

Sphere Chair

Sphere Chair - TYPE 00
- 5 Poses
- Prims: 5
- Permissions: trans / no mod / no copy

How to Change Pose
You can change pose using PageUp or Down key on your keyboard.
When someone (except the owner of the chair) sit on, it will send a message like this " Use PageUp or Down key to change pose. ".

Sphere Chair - TYPE 02

Now you can buy my products at Coders Cove in Second Life.
slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coders Cove/90/89/24/

Rabu, 09 April 2008

Leather Sofa Set

Leather Sofa Set
Contents: Sofa - TYPE G, H and I
Prims: 8 + 11 + 13
Permissions: trans / no copy / no mod

*For your reference, this set is sold loose at my main store. However, when you compare the price, obviously, this set is a better deal than loose stuff.

Sculpted Sofa - TYPE G Leather (Single / Color Changeable)
- Channel 12 / 2-seater / 3 Poses
- Prims: 8
- Permissions: trans / no copy / no mod

Click Position to Sit
- Bottom ( has 2 poses)
- Armrest-right

Sculpted Sofa - TYPE H Leather (Double / Color Changeable)
- Channel 13 / 4-seater / 6 Poses
- Prims: 11
- Permissions: trans / no copy / no mod

Click Position to Sit
- Bottom-right ( has 2 poses)
- Bottom-left ( has 2 poses)
- Armrest-right ( for female)
- Armrest-left ( for male)

Sculpted Sofa - TYPE I Leather (Triple / Color Changeable)
- Channel 14 / 5-seater / 6 Poses
- Prims: 13
- Permissions: trans / no mod / no copy

Click Position to Sit
- Bottom-right ( has 2 sitting poses. )
- Bottom-center
- Bottom-left
- Armrest-left
- Armrest-right

How to Change Pose
You can change pose using PageUp or Down key on your keyboard.
When someone (except the owner of the sofa) sit on, it will send a message like this " Use PageUp or Down key to change pose. ".

How to Change Color
Color Changeable Part (and command)

- Sofa (/12 color)
- Pillow ( /12 pillow1 )

- Sofa (/13 color)
- Pillow-left (/13 pillow1)
- Pillow-right (/13 pillow2)

- Sofa (/14 color)
- Pillow-left (/14 pillow1)
- Pillow-right (/14 pillow2)

If you would like to change color of the Pillow to red, TYPE like this

/12 pillow1 red
(/12 [space] "neme of the command" [space] "name of the color")

- TIP For example, if you would like to change color of a sofa to black and pillow to white, Firstly change color of a sofa before pillow.

Color Chart is Here.
* Only Pillows on these sofas have a special color named "deault".
(eg: /12 pillow1 default)

Now you can buy my products at Coders Cove in Second Life.
slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coders Cove/90/89/24/

Selasa, 08 April 2008

Beach Chair - TYPE A smooth (Color Changeable)

Beach Chair - TYPE A smooth (Color Changeable)
- Channel 11 / 4 sitting poses
- Prims: 8
- Pemissions: trans / no mod / no copy

How to Change Color
To change the color of Beach Chair - TYPE A smooth you must use channel 11. To change the colors from the list below you must type:

/11 color + "name of the color"

FOR EXAMPLE: /11 color salmon

Color Chart is HERE.
140 Colors available.

How to Change Pose
"Beach Chair - TYPE A" has 4 sitting poses. You can change pose using PageUp or Down key on your keyboard.
When someone (except the owner of the chair) sit on, it will send a message like this " Use PageUp or Down key to change pose. ".

Now you can buy my products at Coders Cove in Second Life.
slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coders Cove/90/89/24/